2018, March, 24, Incorporating Tarot in Therapy sessions
Why not?
Gestalt Art Therapy Centre is using creative ways to offer professional support to Psychologists, Counsellors, Therapists, Social workers and social service providers who are working with clients in therapy sessions.
Gestalt Art Therapy Centre is using creative ways to offer professional support to Psychologists, Counsellors, Therapists, Social workers and social service providers who are working with clients in therapy sessions.
We tend to project everything onto images before us. Our thoughts, feelings, and emotions, and make decisions based on our selection of a specific card. In this workshop, the participants will learn how to use Tarot cards as a technique to deepen their work with clients and find unconscious material in therapy.
This one-day seminar is an introduction to TAROT as a unique resource that helps bridge the worlds between Tarot and psychotherapy with clients and groups. You can make your sessions with clients more engaging and creative as well as insightful.
Discover how to lay cards in “emotional stacks “to find out what is behind the self or the surface of our consciousness.
Practice the use of imagery and symbols to develop a clear strategy for resolving issues.
This is a unique opportunity to experience yourself and your work with art and imagery as a source for creative renewal. Just like in any situation in life, artists, professional therapists, and health workers can put themselves under strain either from trying too hard, or reversely, not starting a personal process to motivate themselves.
You will learn:
How to use TAROT cards and art materials to enhance your therapeutic practice.
Learn the Art of imagery as manifested by the TAROT and the Houses of Astrology. C.G. Jung’s ideas will be a foreground for this creativity.
Learn how gestalt and process dynamics will influence your insights and become a more innovative practitioner.
Enable to offer your clients deeper insights on their life’s journey.
Integrate your art, your therapeutic modality and your practice skills to be more alive and passionate about your work and life.
No previous formal art experience required.
Saturday: 9:30am - 4:00pm
Members: $105