16 Oct 2021

2021 Puppets Art Therapy CAT© a Gestalt Approach

 Puppets  Art Therapy CAT© a Gestalt Approach

  • Registrants can obtain their CPD /OPD hours (non-endorsed activities)
AASW CPD hours
ACA OPD hours

Puppets could be used to promote emotional empathy with children and persons with disabilities
Art and play therapy offer a wide variety of materials which can be beneficial in accessing both cognitive and sensory aspects of the self. According to child psychologists, one of the most successful materials used in art therapy that creates a play-like atmosphere, has been the use of puppets. (Keely Anderson)
 “Puppets have been used in counseling and psychotherapy for different purposes, such as assessment and diagnosis and addressing specific clinical problems” (Butler, Guterman, & Rudes, 2009. p. 226)

During this workshop you will:

  • Art techniques involve in the creation of Puppets using recycled materials and steps adapted to the client's age.
  • Investigate and experiment about the creation and the process in the therapy session. 
  • Discover how Puppets are a way to externalize a problem, emotion, or experience, and can help clients identify and relate to a trauma because as they play, the puppets become an extension of themselves.
  • Using Puppets as a link between clients/ children and their family and system (School, society).
  • Blank Puppets ready for client's projections.
  • Offer options to the client to communicate in a new language. Puppets work provides a space where clients can reproduce their inner world.
  • The integration of the narrative using Puppets.
  • An opportunity to explore the client's process when they are creating Art. During the art making process, transference emerges in the way that clients handle the art materials provided by the psychotherapist, and the final creation.
"Because pain could be treated through play..." (G.Garcia)

Day: 10h October 2021

Time: 9:30 am to 4:00 pm

Pay by Credit Card
Credit card payments have 2.90% of commission is applied, see the link.

Gestalt Art Therapy Centre
Ashgrove- Brisbane
Payment Methods: Ask us for Bank details, please

See here information related to Refunds & Cancellation policy.
Full membership 2021: $40
Read information about our COVID-19 Guidelines 

2021 Body Map Art Therapy CAT© a Gestalt Approach

 Body Map Art Therapy CAT© a Gestalt Approach

  • Registrants can obtain their CPD /OPD hours (non-endorsed activities)
AASW CPD hours
ACA OPD hours

Body Map Art Therapy CAT© a Gestalt Approach 

Body mapping is an innovative methodological technique that is often able to capture the imagination of clients, and reflects unconscious material recorded in the body, after an important and / or traumatic experience.
A powerful projective technique, enabling us to discover our other self...

During this workshop you will:

  • Art techniques that involve the creation of the Map of the body, materials and steps adapted to the client's age in therapy sessions.
  • Investigate and experiment about the body creation and the process in the therapy session. 
  • Discover the realization that what lands on the page is a completely somatic response, with no editing.
  • The body-mapping process reveals differing levels of awareness of body regions.
  • Using body-mapping in the therapy sessions with clients, (which encourages visual processing and/or embodied awareness) offers  access to information which would otherwise be overlooked or rendered invisible.
  • Body mapping is a storytelling and inquiry process that enables people to reflect on personal and professional life experiences through the creation/production of a visually rich picture  — a body map — to gain a different perspective or insights which may influence what they do now or in the future.  (C. Lloyd)
  • The body outline becomes the starting point for a visual and textual self-inquiry.
  • What emerges is a combination of the conscious choices and decisions people make during the process, as well as responses to the emergent image. 
  • An opportunity to explore the client's process when they are creating Art. During the art making process, transference emerges in the way that clients handle the art materials provided by the psychotherapist, and the final creation.

Day: 16th October 2021

Time: 9:30 am to 4:00 pm

Pay by Credit Card
Credit card payments have 2.90% of commission is applied, see the link.

Gestalt Art Therapy Centre
Ashgrove- Brisbane
Payment Methods: Ask us for Bank details, please

See here information related to Refunds & Cancellation policy.
Full membership 2021: $40
Read information about our COVID-19 Guidelines 

9 Oct 2021

2021 Introduction to Gestalt Therapy- Art Therapy

 Introduction to Gestalt Therapy- Art Therapy 

  • Registrants can obtain their CPD /OPD hours (non-endorsed activities)
AASW CPD hours
ACA OPD hours

You will be introduced to Psychological tools that can be used to increase the sharpness with which you see and relate to the world and practice psychotherapy in an authentic manner.
This workshop is designed to enable the participant to establish a basic Intervention model that clearly describes the process of the therapeutic relationship between client and therapist. This requires the participant to become familiar with the ‘phases’ of this relationship. After demonstrating some degree of comfort in this structure, the participant will be able to begin to develop his or her own ‘style’ of interventions and creative practice. 
Learning objectives:
  • To examine specific therapeutic applications of Gestalt Therapy theory and explore practical interventions with individuals, couples, families and groups.
  • To examine the ways a therapist designs an intervention strategy using the cycle of awareness model.
  • To enable the participant to develop a beginning personal style of ‘Gestalt Work’ and enhance his or her practice with clients.
  • To integrate Art tools into the Gestalt Therapy approach
At the workshop, we will extend the knowledge of:
-  The power of the here and now and awareness in working with clients
-  How to develop a Gestalt experiment to enhance and improve therapeutic outcomes

Day: 9th October 2021

Time: 9:30 am to 4:00 pm

Pay by Credit Card
Credit card payments have 2.90% of commission is applied, see the link.

Gestalt Art Therapy Centre
Ashgrove- Brisbane
Payment Methods: Ask us for Bank details, please

See here information related to Refunds & Cancellation policy.
Become a member today just for $40 Year and access to discounts! 
Full membership 2021: $40

Read information about our COVID-19 Guidelines 

Hello! Welcome to our creative therapy centre!

Here you will find everything related to Art Therapy using the Gestalt approach.

What is Art ?:

Art is genarally known as what is done by a person whose purpose is to express a message through symbols.

These symbolic tools can be music, paintings, sculptures, theater and so on.

What is Gestalt Therapy ?:

Gestalt therapy is a methodology within psychology that grew out of the research and work of the psychiatrist Dr.Fritz Perls and his wife Dr.Laura Perls.

These two professionals were coming from the psychoanalytic perspective and felt that this method was not enough to work with clients. Today we are clearly aware that no one single method can resolve the issues that involve a range of human suffering and growth.

Gestalt is a German word roughly meaning "Shape" or "configuration".

This concept is understood, in gneral terms, that all individual experiences are shaped by a figure and a background. As time goes on, and our needs change, the figure can become the background and vice versa. So in the client's experience, the figure is changing at all times from becoming a background and as the needs arise, the figure emerges seeking completion.

When we block or prevent this process, we become unaware and suffer. That is a part of the theoretical foundations of Gestalt therapy.

Gestalt therapy, therefore, is a "philosophy", a way of being in the world in the "here and now" and taking "response-aibility" without pushing the river. Thus life is a flow ..

What is GESTALT Art Therapy?

It is the sum of the two previous concepts, Gestal therapy and the use of tools we learn to use in art therapy.

Using the artistic tools and adding the gestalt language between client and psychotherapist we work jointly to decode the messages hidden in the intrinsic symbols representing the client's situation. The Psychotherapist accompanies the client in the process of "discovering" what is helpful and not analysing or interpreting, but suggesting and asking the client what it is he or she knows are the answers and supports client's need to discover the ncessary solutions.

WE ARE SURE THAT YOU WILL BE ATTRACTED by this new way of working with emotions, whether or not you are a professional psychologist or therapist, since many of the exercises can be used personally for your own growth.

Our work is done in Australia & Spain and other countries. We have given workshops and participated in conferences throughout the world. We are located in our offices at the Gestalt Art Therapy Centre in Brisbane -Australia.


Yaro Starak - Gestalt Psychoterapist
Gemma Garcia- Gestalt Therapist- Ericksonian Hypnosis


1-TRAINING MODULES FOR SALE: Gestalt art therapy


Here you will find and carry out therapeutic work with tools that combine art and gestalt method.

You can learn new ways of providing therapeutic treatment depending on the particular situation and client needs.


These modules can be practical exercises for your "realize" how do you do in your life.

There are specific modules that you can play with your partner and / or family.


We offer brief therapy sessions via Skype. You may request a no-obligation appointment with us, the first session is free.

This is a way of doing personal therapy we call "Emergency work" used in very special cases and situations. For us, the therapy session should be mainly for the benefit of the client needing immediate help.


GESTALT THERAPY theory and practice - some books written by Yaro Starak

A GESTALT TEST: you can acquire to discover your potentials.

VIDEOS & DVD focussing on gestalt work and art therapy work.

ARTICLES: Written by varoius therapists from Australia, NZ and overseas.