15 Aug 2021

2021 Collage Art Therapy CAT© a Gestalt Approach

 Collage Art Therapy CAT© a Gestalt Approach

  • Registrants can obtain their CPD /OPD hours (non-endorsed activities)
AASW CPD hours
ACA OPD hours

Collage Art therapy 
The use of figurative and metaphorical language during the creation using collage techniques, helps to make changes, implement new options within the client's process, without having to work directly with the confrontation of the problem or conflict. Through collage, clients objectify their conflicts to put them in a different perspective and open future channels of communication. 

During this workshop you will:
  • Know how to design the collage-work: kind of collages
  1. Paper collage – One of the more basic forms of collage. Various pieces of paper gathered and put together to create a unique collage strictly from paper products.
  2. Photomontage – whether done by hand or with the help of a computer, a photomontage is a collage of pictures or photos.
  3. Painting collage – Gluing pieces to a canvas and then painting over and/or around those pieces on the canvas, thus creating an original and unique painting.
  4. Wood collage – Create from pieces of wood, whether it be from scraps, old furniture, crates, barrels, house parts, driftwood, branches, sticks, bark, etc.
  5. Digital collage – Using a computer to gather the visual pieces and put them together
  • Discover how this tool will support the psychological process, revealing meaningful information about the clients’ inner world.
  • Collages are visual artworks that are created by selecting magazine images, textured papers, or ephemera; cutting or altering these elements; and arranging and attaching them to a support such as paper or cardboard”. This kind of creation could be compared with clients' life and patterns.
  • Uncover the power of the creation with symbols, also the act of cutting and ripping images and gluing them together can be cathartic for some clients.
  • Offer options to the client to communicate in a new language, collage art therapy work involves unconscientious levels related to archetypes and collective unconscious .
  • Adapting this tool to the client's age and emotional development

Day: 15th August 2021

Time: 9:30 am to 4:00 pm

Pay by Credit Card
Credit card payments have 2.90% of commission is applied, see the link.

Gestalt Art Therapy Centre
Ashgrove- Brisbane
Payment Methods: Ask us for Bank details, please

See here information related to Refunds & Cancellation policy.
Full membership 2021: $40
Read information about our COVID-19 Guidelines 

7 Apr 2020

2020 COVID19 Public announcement

Dear Gestalt Art Therapy Centre clients 
Information related to our services and COVID-19

Dear Gestalt Art Therapy Centre clients,

We inform you about the situation of our Centre in relation to the Covid-19

We are taking the threat of COVID-19 very seriously, and have implemented a number of precautionary measures including cancelling face to face workshops, Art Therapy Retreats and Therapy Sessions/ Supervision and providing the opportunity to participate in our events in an online format (we are working on that, available very soon) and/or reschedule workshops/ Retreats.

We hope we will be able to re-open our centre, once we will receive the information from government letting us know when it will be safe running groups again and sharing common spaces and Art materials, as is our case in Art therapy practice. 

It’s important that you take care of yourself. During this time, you may feel anxious or stressed.

If you would like to make an appointment with us, for an online session, please contact us by email: gestaltarttherapycentre@gmail.com. We are offering to Gestalt Art Therapy members, and people in need, and Art Therapy session free (duration of 30 minutes by Skype, dates availability depending on the number of appointments/times) 

If you are a member of the Gestalt Art Therapy Centre, we are still offering you discounts, in online workshops and you will receive our newsletter. (We had the newsletter already to be sent, but now we need to re-adjusts the content to the delicate global situation "Here and now")

if you paid your participation in an upcoming workshop, please contact us to arrange an optional online training or reschedule the workshop. If you booked our Art Therapy Retreats, please contact us, we arranged the new dates to July 3rd, 4th, and 5th, 2020 (These dates may change again later, due government information).

We apologize that this inconvenience may cause to you, as you know,  it is outside of everybody control, and we are doing these "temporal adjustments" in relation to support the objective of minimizing the infections and taking care of Gestalt Art Therapy Centre participants and members.

Here you can see some helpful information from the government:

Coronavirus (COVID-19) – What you need to know
Below is some important information about how to protect yourself against infection and prevent the virus from spreading.

Keeping Australians safe from the coronavirus is the Government’s number one priority. This will be a challenging time but it will be temporary. By working together, practising good hygiene and maintaining appropriate social distancing, Australia will overcome this public health challenge.

PLEASE NOTE: because the situation is rapidly evolving, it is important to always check the most up-to-date medical information at health.gov.au.

Protecting yourself and others
It’s important to practice good hygiene and social distancing to protect against infection and to prevent the virus from spreading. You can prevent the spread of COVID-19 and other respiratory infections by making sure you:

Wash your hands frequently with soap and water
Cover your cough/sneeze and dispose of tissues
Avoid contact with others if you’re feeling unwell
Avoid large gatherings if they’re not essential
Keep a distance of 1.5 meters between you and other people whenever possible
Minimize unnecessary physical contact with others, especially those at higher risk, such as older people and people with existing health conditions
Read the Department of Health’s guidance on social distancing attached in this email.
Staying informed
It’s important to keep up-to-date with accurate and reliable information about coronavirus as the situation develops. The best place to find the latest information is at health.gov.au
Additional resources, including specific fact sheets and guidelines for parents, older Australians and international travellers, can be found at https://www.health.gov.au/news/health-alerts/novel-coronavirus-2019-ncov-health-alert/coronavirus-covid-19-resources
Should I get tested?
You should be tested for COVID-19 if:

you are experiencing cold and flu symptoms and have recently returned from overseas; or
you have been in direct contact with someone who is known to have contracted coronavirus.
Additional testing may also be appropriate for healthcare workers.
Mass gatherings and social distancing
From Monday 16 March, the National Cabinet agreed that non-essential organised mass gatherings of more than 500 people should not occur.
These measures should not prevent the operation of essential functions including schools, universities and workplaces, or prevent the operation of public transport.
However, the principle of social distancing should still apply in these settings.
Read the Department of Health’s guidance on social distancing attached in this email
Travelling overseas?
Regardless of your destination, age or health, if your overseas travel is not essential, you should consider carefully whether now is the right time.
This is because the health risks from the global COVID-19 pandemic are increasing, you may be more exposed to contracting COVID-19 overseas, and overseas travel has become more complex and unpredictable.
The Government has upgraded its Smartraveller travel advice for all Australians travelling overseas to level 3 - ‘reconsider your need for overseas travel at this time.’
For more information, visit the Smartraveller website.
Support available for households and businesses
The Government has recently announced a $17.6 billion economic stimulus package to keep Australians in jobs, keep businesses in business and support households and the Australian economy.
This package has four parts:
Cash flow assistance to help the small and medium-sized business to stay in business and keep their employees in jobs;
Support for business investment;
Targeted support for the most severely affected sectors, regions and communities; and
Household stimulus payments to strengthen the broader economy. The Government will provide a one-off $750 payment to age pensioners and other social security, veteran and other income support recipients and eligible concession cardholders. This will be paid automatically from 31 March 2020.
For more information on the Government’s Economic Response to the Coronavirus visit treasury.gov.au/coronavirus.
Other key contacts:
If you’re unsure about what to do, call the Coronavirus Health Information Line (operating 24/7) on 1800 020 080.
For travel advice visit https://www.smartraveller.gov.au/

Please contact us if you have any questions,

Take care, think positive, write your feelings in an Art Journal, contact us if you need support, contact with family and friends, support others.

"We will overcome this health challenge, working in the community for the good of the community"


Gemma & Yaro


Yaro Starak
B.A., M.S.W, Adv.Dip.SW, Dip.GT.
Former Lecturer at the University of Queensland
Gestalt Psychotherapist.
Gestalt Art Therapist CAT®
Men leadership training
Author of books on Gestalt Psychotherapy & Group facilitation
Co-Director Gestalt Art Therapy Centre-Australia

Gemma Garcia 
Dip GT. Dip Ericksonian Hypnosis. Aura-Soma Therapist L2. Dip.Visual Arts
Gestalt Therapist
Gestalt Art Therapist CAT®
Co-Director Gestalt Art Therapy Centre - Australia
Visual Artist. Art Instructor. Freelance Book Editor
Freelance Curator, Coordinator Art Group Exhibitions.
Director of APE Brisbane (Art Performances and Exhibitions) 
More Information:

English Training:


Spanish Training:

Gestalt Art Therapy centre acknowledges Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples as the First Peoples of Australia, and we pay our respects to their Elders past and present with whom we share this great country.

2020 Free Online Art Therapy Session due COVID19 situation

One Free Online Art Therapy Session

Gestalt Art Therapy Centre is offering you one ONLINE Free Art Therapy session
due to this uncertain time in our community and country related to the COVID-19
and the upcoming emotions of sadness, fear, and anxiety

Gestalt Art Therapy Centre is offering one Free online (Skype or WhatsApp) Art Therapy session for people emotionally affected for the situation of the COVID-19.

This is our collaboration (our time and support) during this difficult time.

This invitation is only for people in need.

Only one Free online Art therapy session per person.
We will attend only for a Therapy session, not for Professional Supervision.

People already in treatment and or receiving Psychotherapy are not eligible, because the dual psychological intervention could be contraindicated.

The approximate duration of the online session will be around 30 minutes The cost is free.

The person interested in the session must complete the BOOKING registration here, writing a least three days and times selected. We will confirm availability in about 4 days of the reception of the registration.
Please note available times are Local Time in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. From 8 am to 6 pm

This invitation is at the moment open from April 1st until April 30th, 2020
This invitation is not exchangeable for any of our products related to our webpage/Instagram/Facebook/ etc and or money. The Directors of the centre can change these conditions at any time and or if necessary they may decline to accept or develop sessions due to overbookings.
Please read all the Terms & conditions related to this invitation at our webpage
Complete the BOOKING registration on the webpage, please. Once the person booked the session, it means that he or she accepts all the terms and conditions of this one free Art Therapy session.

26 Jan 2020

2020 Art Journals and Art Therapy March 28th

Time & Location
28 Mar, 9:30 am – 4:00 pm
Art Therapy & Gestalt, Ashgrove QLD, Australia

About the Event

  • This workshop is 2020 AASW endorsed CPD hours
  • This course has 2020 ACA OPD points
This Amazing and interesting Tool is the "Star" of the Art therapy techniques.
 During this workshop you will learn:
  • How to create Art Journals
  • How to develop Mixed media techniques building Art Journals
  • Starting the process of using the Art Journal with clients
  • Selecting some creations at the Art journal to work in the therapy sessions
  • How to close the therapy session after an Art Journal work
  • Offer options to the client to continue working with the Art Journal at home until the next session
This will be an interesting and creative workshop!
Day: March 28th, 2020
Time: 9:30 am to 4:00 pm

Members of the Gestalt Art Therapy Club: $178
Pay by Credit Card
Pay by Credit Card
Gestalt Art Therapy Centre 
Ashgrove- Brisbane 
Payment Methods: Ask us for Bank details, please 
Credit card payments have 4% of commission is applied, see the link. 
Become a member today just for $35/Year and access to discounts! 
Full membership 2020: $35
See here information related to Refunds & Cancellation policy.
Follow us in facebook


Hello! Welcome to our creative therapy centre!

Here you will find everything related to Art Therapy using the Gestalt approach.

What is Art ?:

Art is genarally known as what is done by a person whose purpose is to express a message through symbols.

These symbolic tools can be music, paintings, sculptures, theater and so on.

What is Gestalt Therapy ?:

Gestalt therapy is a methodology within psychology that grew out of the research and work of the psychiatrist Dr.Fritz Perls and his wife Dr.Laura Perls.

These two professionals were coming from the psychoanalytic perspective and felt that this method was not enough to work with clients. Today we are clearly aware that no one single method can resolve the issues that involve a range of human suffering and growth.

Gestalt is a German word roughly meaning "Shape" or "configuration".

This concept is understood, in gneral terms, that all individual experiences are shaped by a figure and a background. As time goes on, and our needs change, the figure can become the background and vice versa. So in the client's experience, the figure is changing at all times from becoming a background and as the needs arise, the figure emerges seeking completion.

When we block or prevent this process, we become unaware and suffer. That is a part of the theoretical foundations of Gestalt therapy.

Gestalt therapy, therefore, is a "philosophy", a way of being in the world in the "here and now" and taking "response-aibility" without pushing the river. Thus life is a flow ..

What is GESTALT Art Therapy?

It is the sum of the two previous concepts, Gestal therapy and the use of tools we learn to use in art therapy.

Using the artistic tools and adding the gestalt language between client and psychotherapist we work jointly to decode the messages hidden in the intrinsic symbols representing the client's situation. The Psychotherapist accompanies the client in the process of "discovering" what is helpful and not analysing or interpreting, but suggesting and asking the client what it is he or she knows are the answers and supports client's need to discover the ncessary solutions.

WE ARE SURE THAT YOU WILL BE ATTRACTED by this new way of working with emotions, whether or not you are a professional psychologist or therapist, since many of the exercises can be used personally for your own growth.

Our work is done in Australia & Spain and other countries. We have given workshops and participated in conferences throughout the world. We are located in our offices at the Gestalt Art Therapy Centre in Brisbane -Australia.


Yaro Starak - Gestalt Psychoterapist
Gemma Garcia- Gestalt Therapist- Ericksonian Hypnosis


1-TRAINING MODULES FOR SALE: Gestalt art therapy


Here you will find and carry out therapeutic work with tools that combine art and gestalt method.

You can learn new ways of providing therapeutic treatment depending on the particular situation and client needs.


These modules can be practical exercises for your "realize" how do you do in your life.

There are specific modules that you can play with your partner and / or family.


We offer brief therapy sessions via Skype. You may request a no-obligation appointment with us, the first session is free.

This is a way of doing personal therapy we call "Emergency work" used in very special cases and situations. For us, the therapy session should be mainly for the benefit of the client needing immediate help.


GESTALT THERAPY theory and practice - some books written by Yaro Starak

A GESTALT TEST: you can acquire to discover your potentials.

VIDEOS & DVD focussing on gestalt work and art therapy work.

ARTICLES: Written by varoius therapists from Australia, NZ and overseas.