Showing posts with label 2023. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2023. Show all posts

8 July 2023

2023 Article- How to Find the Light at the End of the Tunnel


How to Find the Light at the End of the Tunnel
Author Annie Lin, MBA

When you're experiencing a difficult situation, it's normal to feel lost or hopeless, like nothing will ever go right ever again. Maybe a major relationship ended, you suffered a loss, or you feel lonely. It can be tough to find the light when everything seems wrong, but nothing lasts forever and this too shall pass. In this article, we'll show you how to look for a light at the end of the tunnel no matter what kind of situation you're in.

1 Stay connected.
Surround yourself with people whom you admire and enjoy being near. Be with happy people that naturally maintain a positive attitude. Especially if you are struggling yourself, make an effort to stay away from people who tend to be pessimistic or critical. Instead, be with people who laugh easily, smile frequently, and make you feel good.
Spend quality time with people in ways that allow for real relationship building. Instead of TV nights, make a game night, or instead of going to a movie, go hiking together. Choose activities that allow you to make great memories together and enjoy each other's company.
Stay in touch with those you care about using social media, messaging apps, or video calls

2 Engage in therapy.
The tension and overwhelm of life’s difficulties can often be too much for one person to handle. A therapist can help you gain a different perspective and cope more effectively while in the midst of a crisis, helping you change your life for the better.
Therapy allows you to explore yourself and grow.

3 Find solutions.
Once you are receiving some support through family, friends, and/or a therapist, you may begin to feel that a positive future is possible and within your means. Maybe you can’t magically “solve” everything, but you may be able to take steps to help alleviate some of the problems you’re experiencing. If you’re feeling overwhelmed with work, school, and family, consider taking a day off to sort through your life. If you feel emotionally fragile, take some time for yourself to sort things out. Problem-solving means lessening the distance between your desired state and your current state. You can’t make your problems disappear, but you can minimize them.
Totally buried in junk in your house but too tired or busy to deal with it? Hire some help.
Find a way to give each task a ‘due date’, and do each one in order.
For more tips on how to problem solve, check out How to Solve a Problem.

4 Make plans for the life you want to have.
Find the light at the end of the tunnel by creating it. Imagine yourself several years from now, when your current situation is a distant memory. What does your typical Tuesday look like? What are you doing, and who do you see in your life? Where do you live? What kind of job do you have? What are you doing for your enjoyment? Now that you have that future image of yourself, take steps to make it a reality.
If you see yourself in a different career, start taking the steps to make that happen. Go back to school or start to gain new skills. Nothing is beyond your abilities, and it’s never too late to start something new if it means you’re living your happiness.

5 Add happiness to your life.
You don’t need loads of money or nice things to be rich. Happiness is most often found in the small things, or the moments when you “stop and smell the roses.” When you feel like your spirit is down, it’s an especially good time to find happiness in the small things: a sale at the grocery store, an especially delicious cookie, or a bright sunny day. Allow yourself to smile at anything that stands out to you.
Think about the things in your life that bring you joy (playing with your kids, volunteering, playing badminton) and determine to do more that brings happiness. Play with your dog, dance around in your room, and sing at the top of your lungs in the car.
Adding happiness to your life can also mean taking unhappiness out. This can include staying away from people who upset you, destroying your credit card, learning to cook so you can avoid junk food, no longer watching TV or reading the news, and so on.

6 Be optimistic.
Positive thinking helps you to live a happy, more stress-free life. This means looking for the good behind the bad and being grateful for the things that are going right in your life. You may be very critical about restaurants, manners, or movies, but don’t allow yourself to bring this attitude to all aspects of your life.
Don’t allow yourself to polarize your thinking when you see elements of your life as “all good” or “all bad”. Remember that almost every situation has shades of gray and very few things exist in black and white. if you find yourself blaming yourself for losing your job or being in a difficult financial situation, remember that lots of factors influence an outcome. And no, you are never a total failure.
If you catch yourself having bleak or critical thoughts, stop yourself and decide whether you want to create a new one or replace it with another one. You can replace your moaning about the terrible weather with a reflection about the necessity of water for the plants and the soothing thought that it doesn't rain every day.”

7 Take breaks.
Make taking regular breaks a priority and part of your lifestyle. This can be a weekend getaway or an afternoon hike into the mountains. If you feel bound by time, take a mental break by distracting yourself from your problems with a simple book.
Taking a break or finding distractions doesn’t mean running away from your problems. Find activities you enjoy and go do them! This can also include taking a bath, keeping a journal, or playing music.
One break isn't going to do too much — you need to make finding time for self-care and enjoyment a habit of everyday life. This will help you to continue and move forward, even when things are tough.

8 Accept the situation.
While you may not like your present situation, you can accept what you cannot control. You can’t, for instance, send magically money into your bank account or a lover back into your life, but you can accept that it is part of your reality. While practicing acceptance isn’t easy, it allows you to diffuse stress and live more peacefully.
When things aren’t going your way, take a few breaths and say to yourself that you are accepting what's happening, even if you do not like it.
You can practice acceptance in all parts of your life, not just when in the thick of hard times. Practice acceptance when sitting in traffic knowing that you will be late for your appointment, when the kids are sick and are screaming, or when you’re disappointed in your school grade.

If you feel like you would like to receive emotional support, and/or Supervision, by participating in Counselling/ Gestalt Art Therapy sessions, workshops contact us

17 June 2023

2023 CR© Creative Self portrait- Face to Face


CR© Creative Self portrait

Face to Face

Face to Face event in Brisbane- Australia

Free event for Silver and Gold members of the Gestalt Art Therapy CLUB

CR© Creative Self portrait

July 22nd, 10 am to 12 pm

Gestalt Art Therapy Centre- Ashgrove. Brisbane

Non-members $45 per person

Current members FREE

Paypal Link Payment $45

Ask us for Bank details

Registrations here

During this workshop, we will see terms like Self-exploration and self-expression.

Creating a self-portrait allows individuals to explore their own identities, emotions, and experiences. It provides a means to express thoughts, feelings, and personal narratives visually.

Also, we will explore Self-acceptance and self-esteem: Engaging in self-portraiture can enhance self-acceptance and boost self-esteem. Through the process, individuals can develop a more compassionate and accepting attitude toward themselves.

Through the materials, we will see the power of the projections, the creations, and using narrative and storytelling.

Self-portraits can serve as visual narratives, allowing individuals to tell their personal stories or reflect on significant life events. They can communicate experiences and memories that might be challenging to express in words alone.

This 2 h workshop will give participants a relaxed time creating and discovering themselves.

Participants will receive our support and from the Gestalt Art therapy approach.

Conditions of participation

Participants must be 16years old or older and accompanied by a tutor

Registration must be completed and receiving the conformation of participation

If you are in Psychological/ Psychiatric treatment contact us to discuss your situation, please.

We are not GST registered

Paypal Payment has 2.60% applied in the link for Paypal commissions

Participation is only for the time of the workshop (2h)

During the workshop participants will create a unique creative piece (Painted on canvas, Collage, or Clay) and there will be a group to share information

We will have some coffee, tea, and cookies. (Allergies, please be aware that maybe there will be some nuts).

2023 Collage Art Therapy CAT© a Gestalt Approach ZOOM Online workshop

Collage Art Therapy CAT© a Gestalt Approach ZOOM Online workshop

Collage Art therapy 

The use of figurative and metaphorical language during the creation using collage techniques, helps to make changes, implement new options within the client's process, without having to work directly with the confrontation of the problem or conflict. Through collage, clients objectify their conflicts to put them in a different perspective and open future channels of communication. 

During this workshop you will:

  • Know how to design the collage-work: kind of collages
  1. Paper collage – One of the more basic forms of collage. Various pieces of paper gathered and put together to create a unique collage strictly from paper products.
  2. Photomontage – whether done by hand or with the help of a computer, a photomontage is a collage of pictures or photos.
  3. Painting collage – Gluing pieces to a canvas and then painting over and/or around those pieces on the canvas, thus creating an original and unique painting.
  4. Wood collage – Create from pieces of wood, whether it be from scraps, old furniture, crates, barrels, house parts, driftwood, branches, sticks, bark, etc.
  5. Digital collage – Using a computer to gather the visual pieces and put them together
  • Discover how this tool will support the psychological process, revealing meaningful information about the clients’ inner world.
  • Collages are visual artworks that are created by selecting magazine images, textured papers, or ephemera; cutting or altering these elements; and arranging and attaching them to a support such as paper or cardboard”. This kind of creation could be compared with clients' life and patterns.
  • Uncover the power of the creation with symbols, also the act of cutting and ripping images and gluing them together can be cathartic for some clients.
  • Offer options to the client to communicate in a new language, collage art therapy work involves unconscious levels related to archetypes and collective unconscious .
  • Adapting this tool to the client's age and emotional development

Participants from Australia:

Registrants can obtain their CPD /OPD hours (non-endorsed activities)

AASW CPD hours

ACA OPD hours



July 23rd , 4 pm to 6pm (Brisbane- Australian time)  AEST- Australian Eastern Standard Time. UTC/GMT +10 hours

Time Zones


Members of the Gestalt Art Therapy Cenntre Participation: $95Aud

Click here to pay by Credit card (Paypal) Promo Members $80

General participants

Click here to pay by Credit card (Paypal) Participation: $110Aud


We are not registered for GST

Silver members: $40 per year

Gold Members: $60 per year

Membership is from one year, until December 31st, 2023.

Do not miss this opportunity!

System: Zoom (After registration and payment you will receive the link for your participation)

System and Materials you will need for the workshop participation:

- Internet connection

- Having installed the Zoom program (Download here)

- PC, Laptop, Tablet with webcam & audio

- Paper to write

- Magazines 

- Scissors

- Glue

- Felt pens, or other coloured pens that you like

- Mobile phone or camera to take a photo of your creation.

Read Policy cancelation and Participation conditions at the "Event Policy"

In the situation that there is not a minimum number of participants and the organizers decide to cancel the event, they will offer to transfer the payment to another future event or the refund of the payment made by each participant will be offered. In payments and refunds via paypal, commissions will be applied by Paypal of 3% of the payment received, in each payment/ refund.

Read information about our COVID-19 & Vaccine Guidelines 

More information:

Payment Methods: Ask us for Bank details, please See here information related to Refunds & Cancellation policy. In the situation that there is not a minimum number of participants and the organizers decide to cancel the event, they will offer to transfer the payment to another future event or the refund of the payment made by each participant will be offered. In refunds via paypal, commissions will be applied by Paypal of 3% of the payment received, in each refund. 

Online workshops:

If you cancel your participation less than 24 hours before the day of the workshop, there is no refund or credit forfeiting the payment you would have made to participate in the workshop. If you do not have the necessary materials to participate in the workshop, unfortunately you will not be able to participate. In each event you will be able to read the list of materials required for each workshop on the website and also in the emails we send you, these materials may be similar, although it is necessary to have them. If you cancel your participation in the workshop due to not having the necessary materials, the payment you would have made to participate will not be refunded. Participating in our events means that you accept all these conditions.

Join our Group on Facebook 

Read information about our COVID-19 Guidelines 

2023 DREAM WORK- a Gestalt Art Therapy approach - Face to face Workshop- Brisbane- Australia


DREAM WORK- a Gestalt Art Therapy approach - Face to face Workshop

Registrants from Australia can obtain their CPD /OPD hours (non-endorsed activities)

AASW CPD hours

ACA OPD hours



a Gestalt Art Therapy approach

Dreams can be a source of personal insight.

As there is experimental support for the hypothesis that sleep facilitates cognitive insight and creative thinking (Maquet and Ruby, 2004; Stickgold and Walker, 2004; Wagner et al., 2004; Darsaud et al., 2011), it is plausible that sleep could allow personal/affective insight, and that this might be reflected in dream content, given the interaction between characters, and emotional content, in most dreams (Nielsen and Lara-Carrasco, 2007).

Whether it is in traditional or modern context, dreams have a special place in both psychology and psychotherapy studies. For example, ‘The Traditional Interpretive Dream Approach’ model, which we had come across its first remains in Mesopotamia and is also the inspiration for psychoanalysis, is based on the interpretation of the symbols in the dream with the principle of reaching the hidden meaning. However, what is done with this interpretation is to move away from the phenomenal subjective reality of the client.

Dreams are also a way of experiencing just like the waking experiences and a phenomenal self has its place in the center of these experiences as it has in the waking ones.

Dreams have hidden meanings beyond words, and these meanings are covered by symbols. The symbols in the dream must be interpreted to achieve the implicit meaning of the dream. (Hayrettin Kara)

" The dreams are the symbolic narration of an unconscious reality"

Dreams are studied through Psychology and neuroscience, memory processes during REM sleep. The existing neuroscientific evidence suggests that we are almost certainly capable of learning during dreams and that learning may therefore be one of dreams’ primary adaptive functions. (Isaac Roberts)

· During this online workshop participants will understand how to work with their dreams, in a Gestalt Art Therapy approach.

· Using creativity, expressive creations and imagination, participants will connect with their dream projections.

· Dream work in a Gestalt focus, will help participants to understand not the “why” but the “for what” and “how” during the translation of their dream

“Here and now” will give a precious awareness during this amazing process of working with dreams.

· This workshop is “hands on” - this means that the importance is the practice, the moment, the experience. We will present theories but the objective is practical.

No previous experience in dream work, or Gestalt Therapy, or Psychology, Therapy or Art is necessary.

►If you do not remember any of your dreams, do not worry, you are also welcomed to participate, we will give you some ideas how to work with this.

Objectives of the workshop:

· Discover the hidden messages of your dreams.

· Learn the steps to work with Dreams.

· Working with Dreams in a Gestalt Art therapy approach

· Integrate the awareness during the dreamwork in your everyday life.

· Create your own dream in a conscientious manner

· Gain tools to be used with your clients in therapy sessions

· Becoming a “Dream catcher”

Participants will receive a certificate of 6 hours completed from Gestalt Art therapy Centre Australia of “Dream work- Gestalt art therapy approach”

This Face to face workshop is designed for people interested in knowing about how to work with dreams in their practice and for all individuals with an interest in discovering and learning how to work with their own dreams.

Workshop information:

Day: July 30th, 2023

Where: Gestalt Art Therapy centre.

2 Findlay St. Ashgrove. Brisbane. Qld.

Time: 9:30 am to 3:30 pm (Brisbane- Australian time)

Break 12:30 pm to 1:30pm. The centre has refrigerator and microwave, you are welcome to bring your food or very close to Woolworths, there are cafeterias where you can go to eat.


Gestalt Art Therapy Club members Silver or Gold

Participation: $265Aud

Click here to pay by Credit Card (Paypal) Promo Members: $245

General participants

Click Here to pay by Credit Card (Paypal) Participation: $285Aud


We are not registered for GST

Read Policy cancelation and Participation conditions at the "Event Policy"

This workshop will be “hands on”

More information:

Join our Group on Facebook

Read information about our COVID-19 & Vaccine Guidelines 

In the situation that there is not a minimum number of participants and the organizers decide to cancel the event, they will offer to transfer the payment to another future event or the refund of the payment made by each participant will be offered. In refunds via paypal, commissions will be applied by Paypal of 3% of the payment received, in each refund.

Please note:

Covid Requirements

Following the Australian Government Health department indications and with the objective of offering a safe space for all patients and Counsellors:

Every participant before being admitted to each Face-to-face session/ workshop:

• Before each workshop/ session temperature measures will be taken. If the participant has symptoms like fever (37°C or more), coughing, sore throat, shortness of breath, unfortunately, he/she will not be admitted to the event/ session, and the session will be rescheduled.

Important information from Government:

Testing positive to COVID-19

Any person who tests positive to COVID-19 will need to immediately isolate at home or other suitable accommodation for at least 7 full days from the date the person had their test. Follow advice from Queensland Health, including the first steps to take if you have COVID-19.

Close contact

If you are a close contact, on the day of the event/ session you should have a negative test and wear a mask.

If there is a positive test, please reschedule the session.

Regarding face to face workshops/ sessions, clients who tested COVID positive must have passed a minimum of 14 days after Covid to be able to have a face to face participation/ session and have a RAT negative test.

More information:


Hello! Welcome to our creative therapy centre!

Here you will find everything related to Art Therapy using the Gestalt approach.

What is Art ?:

Art is genarally known as what is done by a person whose purpose is to express a message through symbols.

These symbolic tools can be music, paintings, sculptures, theater and so on.

What is Gestalt Therapy ?:

Gestalt therapy is a methodology within psychology that grew out of the research and work of the psychiatrist Dr.Fritz Perls and his wife Dr.Laura Perls.

These two professionals were coming from the psychoanalytic perspective and felt that this method was not enough to work with clients. Today we are clearly aware that no one single method can resolve the issues that involve a range of human suffering and growth.

Gestalt is a German word roughly meaning "Shape" or "configuration".

This concept is understood, in gneral terms, that all individual experiences are shaped by a figure and a background. As time goes on, and our needs change, the figure can become the background and vice versa. So in the client's experience, the figure is changing at all times from becoming a background and as the needs arise, the figure emerges seeking completion.

When we block or prevent this process, we become unaware and suffer. That is a part of the theoretical foundations of Gestalt therapy.

Gestalt therapy, therefore, is a "philosophy", a way of being in the world in the "here and now" and taking "response-aibility" without pushing the river. Thus life is a flow ..

What is GESTALT Art Therapy?

It is the sum of the two previous concepts, Gestal therapy and the use of tools we learn to use in art therapy.

Using the artistic tools and adding the gestalt language between client and psychotherapist we work jointly to decode the messages hidden in the intrinsic symbols representing the client's situation. The Psychotherapist accompanies the client in the process of "discovering" what is helpful and not analysing or interpreting, but suggesting and asking the client what it is he or she knows are the answers and supports client's need to discover the ncessary solutions.

WE ARE SURE THAT YOU WILL BE ATTRACTED by this new way of working with emotions, whether or not you are a professional psychologist or therapist, since many of the exercises can be used personally for your own growth.

Our work is done in Australia & Spain and other countries. We have given workshops and participated in conferences throughout the world. We are located in our offices at the Gestalt Art Therapy Centre in Brisbane -Australia.


Yaro Starak - Gestalt Psychoterapist
Gemma Garcia- Gestalt Therapist- Ericksonian Hypnosis


1-TRAINING MODULES FOR SALE: Gestalt art therapy


Here you will find and carry out therapeutic work with tools that combine art and gestalt method.

You can learn new ways of providing therapeutic treatment depending on the particular situation and client needs.


These modules can be practical exercises for your "realize" how do you do in your life.

There are specific modules that you can play with your partner and / or family.


We offer brief therapy sessions via Skype. You may request a no-obligation appointment with us, the first session is free.

This is a way of doing personal therapy we call "Emergency work" used in very special cases and situations. For us, the therapy session should be mainly for the benefit of the client needing immediate help.


GESTALT THERAPY theory and practice - some books written by Yaro Starak

A GESTALT TEST: you can acquire to discover your potentials.

VIDEOS & DVD focussing on gestalt work and art therapy work.

ARTICLES: Written by varoius therapists from Australia, NZ and overseas.