Showing posts with label Art Therapy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Art Therapy. Show all posts

5 Aug 2023

2023 The Broken Self © A Gestalt Art Therapy approach - Face to Face Workshop


The Broken Self © A Gestalt Art Therapy approach - 

Face-to-Face Workshop

 Registrants from Australia can obtain their CPD /OPD hours (non-endorsed activities)

AASW CPD hours

ACA OPD hours



Have you ever felt (or are you feeling) broken?

Even though the difficult and painful situation has already passed, the sensation of feeling broken is still alive.

Have you heard of "heartbreak"?

There is medical research that shows that emotional pain is transferred to the parts of the body and the body suffers what you feel.

If we reflect on our lives, we can see how many times we have felt lost, or we have lost someone, we have felt unheard, and/or not loved. We have felt fear, sadness, and abandonment.

An interesting tool to work with PTSD.

All these emotions have somehow made us feel "split" into pieces - broken.

In this workshop from the Gestalt approach and from the beautiful metaphor of the ceramic technique you will know:

  • To identify which these broken parts of your life
  • To find the nutritious part of each experience that has happened to you
  •  To integrate the pieces of your life in a powerful and transformative way.

We do not seek to "forget" or erase these painful experiences, we seek to accept and integrate them, and from this act, we will be closer to healing and transformation.

During this workshop, we will explore the main teaching from the Kintsugi as a philosophy and the Resilience theory.

This will be a "hands-on" workshop, where the "process" will be the most interesting. The "how" will be more important than the "what" or "why".

The final result is not the objective, although you will be surprised at what you can create and, above all, integrate into your "here and now"

Materials included in the workshop cost

Workshop information:

Day: August 12th, 2023

Where: Gestalt Art Therapy Centre.

2 Findlay St. Ashgrove. Brisbane. Qld.

Time: 10 am to 12 pm (Brisbane- Australian time)


Members of the Gestalt Art Therapy Center Participation: $95Aud Click here to pay by Credit card (Paypal)

General participants

Click here to pay by Credit card (Paypal) Participation: $120Aud


We are not registered for GST

Silver members: $40 per year

Gold Members: $60 per year

Membership is from one year, until December 31st, 2023.

Payments with PayPal have platform commissions applied.

Please note:

Covid Requirements

Following the Australian Government Health Department's indications and with the objective of offering a safe space for all patients and Counsellors:

Every participant before being admitted to each Face-to-face session/ workshop:

• Before each workshop/ session temperature measures will be taken. If the participant has symptoms like fever (37°C or more), coughing, sore throat, or shortness of breath, unfortunately, he/she will not be admitted to the event/ session, and the session will be rescheduled.

Important information from Government:

Testing positive for COVID-19

Any person who tests positive for COVID-19 will need to immediately isolate at home or other suitable accommodation for at least 4 full days from the date the person had their test. Follow the advice from Queensland Health, including the first steps to take if you have COVID-19.

Close Contact

If you are a close contact, on the day of the event/ session you should have a negative test and wear a mask.

If there is a positive test, please reschedule the session.

17 June 2023

2023 The Broken Self © A Gestalt Art Therapy approach - Face to Face Workshop- Brisbane- Australia


2023 The Broken Self © A Gestalt Art Therapy approach 

Face to Face Workshop

Brisbane- Australia

Registrants from Australia can obtain their CPD /OPD hours (non-endorsed activities)

AASW CPD hours

ACA OPD hours



Have you ever felt (or are you feeling) broken?

Even though the difficult and painful situation has already passed, the sensation of feeling broken is still alive.

Have you heard of "heartbreak"?

There is medical research that shows that the emotional pain is transferred to the parts of the body and the body suffers what you feel.

If we reflect on our lives, we can see how many times we have felt lost, or we have lost someone, we have felt unheard, and/or not loved. We have felt fear, sadness, abandonment.

An interesting tool to work with PTSD.

All these emotions have somehow made us feel "split" into pieces - broken.

In this workshop from the Gestalt approach and from the beautiful metaphor of the ceramic technique you will know:

  • To identify which are these broken parts of your life
  • To find the nutritious part of each experience that has happened to you
  •  To integrate the pieces of your life in a powerful and transformative way.

We do not seek to "forget" or erase these painful experiences, we seek to accept and integrate them, and from this act we will be closer to healing and transformation.

During this workshop we will explore the main teaching from the Kintsugi as a philosophy and the Resilience theory.

This will be a "hands on" workshop, where the "process" will be the most interesting. The "how" will be more important than the "what" or "why".

The final result is not the objective, although you will be surprised at what you can create and, above all, integrate into your "here and now"

Materials included in the workshop cost

Workshop information:

Day: August 12th, 2023

Where: Gestalt Art Therapy centre.

2 Findlay St. Ashgrove. Brisbane. Qld.

Time: 9:30 am to 3:30 pm (Brisbane- Australian time)

Break 12:30 pm to 1:30pm. The centre has refrigerator and microwave, you are welcome to bring your food or very close to Woolworths, there are cafeterias where you can go to have lunch.


Members of the Gestalt Art Therapy centre

Participation: $265Aud

Cilck here for Credit card (Paypal) payment Promo members: $245 Aud


General participants

Click here for Credit card (Paypal) Participation: $285Aud


We are not registered for GST

New member payments before December 30th, 2022

Silver members: $20 per year

Pay here

Register here

· Gold members: $30 per year

Pay here

Register here

Payments after December 30th, 2022:

Silver members: $40 per year

Gold Members: $60 per year

Membership is from one year, until December 31st, 2023.

Do not miss this opportunity!

Read Policy cancelation and Participation conditions at the "Event Policy"

This workshop will be “hands on”

More information:

Join our Group on Facebook

Read information about our COVID-19 & Vaccine Guidelines 

In the situation that there is not a minimum number of participants and the organizers decide to cancel the event, they will offer to transfer the payment to another future event or the refund of the payment made by each participant will be offered. In payments and refunds via paypal, commissions will be applied by Paypal of 3% of the payment received, in each payment and refund.

Please note:

Covid Requirements

Following the Australian Government Health department indications and with the objective of offering a safe space for all patients and Counsellors:

Every participant before being admitted to each Face-to-face session/ workshop:

• Before each workshop/ session temperature measures will be taken. If the participant has symptoms like fever (37°C or more), coughing, sore throat, shortness of breath, unfortunately, he/she will not be admitted to the event/ session, and the session will be rescheduled.

Important information from Government:

Testing positive to COVID-19

Any person who tests positive to COVID-19 will need to immediately isolate at home or other suitable accommodation for at least 7 full days from the date the person had their test. Follow advice from Queensland Health, including the first steps to take if you have COVID-19.

Close contact

If you are a close contact, on the day of the event/ session you should have a negative test and wear a mask.

If there is a positive test, please reschedule the session.

Regarding face to face workshops/ sessions, clients who tested COVID positive must have passed a minimum of 14 days after Covid to be able to have a face to face participation/ session and have a RAT negative test.

2024 Project of the Creation of the ART THERAPY BOOK


2023 Project of the Creation of the ART THERAPY BOOK

❇️ We are starting a beautiful and interesting project!

► The creation of a book on GESTALT ART THERAPY and other approaches.

We have realized that since we started the project with the creation of the Gestalt Art Therapy training CAT©  in the Spanish language, in 2010, and our work in our at the Gestalt Art Therapy Center in Australia, the number of professionals incorporating more Art into the practice of Gestalt Therapy and/or other approaches, has grown remarkably and we would love to count with your contribution to the book.

The objective of the creation of this book is to convey the experiences, investigations, opinions, and realization of clients in workshops, and psychotherapy sessions, and the realization of therapists, in supervision sessions and in their own personal processes, such as the result of the use of the arts in the Gestalt Psychotherapy and other approaches.

Thus, we have opened the period for receiving "expressions of interest" to collaborate on this project.

Participation is open if you are a GOLD Member and meet the minimum requirements. For more information about participation conditions, write to:

We hope to launch the book in 2024!

Participating in this project, in addition to personal satisfaction for you, can be professional, since the chosen collaborators will be able to see their publication in the book, where they will also be able to read a Biography of the author/s and the contact information that will give access to the web, email, social networks, etc., as well as activities that they develop, information that will appear in the directory in the book, being an important professional international promotion channel.

In addition, it is planned to translate this book into the Spanish language.

Complete here the Expression of interest form in taking part in the project to create the GESTALT ART THERAPY BOOK and other approaches.

*Completing the form does not mean that you have been selected. Once the form is received, we will contact you via email to confirm the information provided before August 2023, if you have been selected, we will confirm your participation and the next step to follow to be part of this collaboration project, in the book GESTALT ART THERAPY and other approaches.

Contact us for more information

*The photograph/cover that appears as a presentation of the Gestalt Art Therapy and other approaches book, will not be the official/definitive cover of the book. (Images Copyright by Gemma Garcia).


Hello! Welcome to our creative therapy centre!

Here you will find everything related to Art Therapy using the Gestalt approach.

What is Art ?:

Art is genarally known as what is done by a person whose purpose is to express a message through symbols.

These symbolic tools can be music, paintings, sculptures, theater and so on.

What is Gestalt Therapy ?:

Gestalt therapy is a methodology within psychology that grew out of the research and work of the psychiatrist Dr.Fritz Perls and his wife Dr.Laura Perls.

These two professionals were coming from the psychoanalytic perspective and felt that this method was not enough to work with clients. Today we are clearly aware that no one single method can resolve the issues that involve a range of human suffering and growth.

Gestalt is a German word roughly meaning "Shape" or "configuration".

This concept is understood, in gneral terms, that all individual experiences are shaped by a figure and a background. As time goes on, and our needs change, the figure can become the background and vice versa. So in the client's experience, the figure is changing at all times from becoming a background and as the needs arise, the figure emerges seeking completion.

When we block or prevent this process, we become unaware and suffer. That is a part of the theoretical foundations of Gestalt therapy.

Gestalt therapy, therefore, is a "philosophy", a way of being in the world in the "here and now" and taking "response-aibility" without pushing the river. Thus life is a flow ..

What is GESTALT Art Therapy?

It is the sum of the two previous concepts, Gestal therapy and the use of tools we learn to use in art therapy.

Using the artistic tools and adding the gestalt language between client and psychotherapist we work jointly to decode the messages hidden in the intrinsic symbols representing the client's situation. The Psychotherapist accompanies the client in the process of "discovering" what is helpful and not analysing or interpreting, but suggesting and asking the client what it is he or she knows are the answers and supports client's need to discover the ncessary solutions.

WE ARE SURE THAT YOU WILL BE ATTRACTED by this new way of working with emotions, whether or not you are a professional psychologist or therapist, since many of the exercises can be used personally for your own growth.

Our work is done in Australia & Spain and other countries. We have given workshops and participated in conferences throughout the world. We are located in our offices at the Gestalt Art Therapy Centre in Brisbane -Australia.


Yaro Starak - Gestalt Psychoterapist
Gemma Garcia- Gestalt Therapist- Ericksonian Hypnosis


1-TRAINING MODULES FOR SALE: Gestalt art therapy


Here you will find and carry out therapeutic work with tools that combine art and gestalt method.

You can learn new ways of providing therapeutic treatment depending on the particular situation and client needs.


These modules can be practical exercises for your "realize" how do you do in your life.

There are specific modules that you can play with your partner and / or family.


We offer brief therapy sessions via Skype. You may request a no-obligation appointment with us, the first session is free.

This is a way of doing personal therapy we call "Emergency work" used in very special cases and situations. For us, the therapy session should be mainly for the benefit of the client needing immediate help.


GESTALT THERAPY theory and practice - some books written by Yaro Starak

A GESTALT TEST: you can acquire to discover your potentials.

VIDEOS & DVD focussing on gestalt work and art therapy work.

ARTICLES: Written by varoius therapists from Australia, NZ and overseas.